A day in the life

Weird Questions and Answers: Bodies

There are just some things I do that I want to know why. Ok I always want to know why, but these are important Questions.  Questions like:

Why Does My OJ Taste So Awful After Brushing My Teeth

When we brush our teeth we like to have  toothpaste that suds up. Some of us use so much when we brush we look like rabid dogs. The chemical compound  that makes that happen is called Sodium Lauryl Sulfate.  Your tongue  has the ability to sense and distinguish various tastes like sweet, sour, bitter, salt and umami (a pleasant savoury taste ).  The foam actually numbs the part of your tongue that is responsible for tasting sweet.  Orange juice has sugars , citric acid , some tannin and other bitters.   Since your tongue cannot taste sweet , you only taste the citric acid,tannin  and bitters of the juice. thank fully it does not last long and if you wait a bit, your OJ will taste delicious again.


Why Do I Choke On My Own Spit?

salivary-glands-5-728Us humans have three  main salivary glands.  One right below your tongue, one near the jaw and the last is just above your throat. They all  produce saliva in response to environmental triggers. Sometimes those  signals are  misread or misinterpreted which  leads to overproduction.  Although the saliva  glands main purpose is to aid in  pelminary  food digestion,s the glands  can produce too much too handle with a  regular swallow.  Talking too much and too fast can  also cause us to not swallow regularily and we choke on the saliva.  Moving your head to fast while swallowing, can also make you choke on the saliva.  Heavy drinking can cause you to choke on your own saliva. When you drink too much and you pass out we all know that you can choke on your own vomit, but if you pass out with your head tipped back saliva can pool in the back of your throat and cause you to choke. There, is of course, medical conditions that can also cause one to choke, but most of us choke on our spittle now and then. There usually is no concern, just feeling a little silly for choking on your own spit.


Why Do I Get Brainfreeze?

Yofrozenbrainsu are eating ice cream or sipping on a shake (chocolate, please) when all of a sudden you get the shooting pains and a massive headache making it impossible to finish the ice cream for a while.  Well it turns out that your brain wants to keep your body a constant temperature. When you eat ice cream, your palate gets very cold and the brain basically thinks your mouth is way too cold. So it opens up the arteries to get more blood to the area fast in an effort to warm up the palate.  We always hold our head and shout “oooh I got Brain Freeze” at which point every laughs. I guess brain freeze that someone else has is funny.   Not so funny if it is YOU that has brain freeze. Holding your head does not help. The only way to get rid of your brain freeze is to warm up your palate. You can  only do that by pressing your tongue to the top of your mouth or drinking room temperature water.



What The Heck Are Those Things Floating In My Eyes?

Eye-FloatersWe all seen them. There we are just looking at things in life and all of a sudden there is a worm like thing that seems to swim across your vision. Sometimes a blink can get rid of it, but sometimes a blink bring backs more. You might have been told it was dust in your eyes but that is not the truth. That weird, wormy thing and spots in your eyes are actually more complicated than that. Your eyeball is full of a liquid called vitreous. Vitreous contains multiple proteins and, over time, small bits of these proteins ‘coagulate.’   The bits of coagulate protein also tend  to increase  over time. This is normal as we age. The coagulated proteins are not transparent and they cast shadows on the retina. It is those shadows which you see as moving floaty spots in front of our vision. They move because they are. The bits are floating in the vitreous under the influence of gravity. There is no effective treatment for floaters. Protecting your eyes  by wearing sunglasses may help slow down their development but they are normal. The only true concern is when they are so many of them they impair vision.








