February – To Make
Yarn and Cardboard Hearts
Thinking of things to make for Valentine’s day that is super simple and easy to do can consume a lot of time. I am always on the lookout for crafts that not only can the kids do, but Grandma and everyone in between. It is always weird to me that I am able to think of a million things to make until I actually want to make something. Then all creative things leave my brain.
This is, of course, the month of love so why not make some hearts. With upcycling in my heart, this month’s craft is a yarn heart. It is a craft that many can do. Even he littles with some modifications. Since it requires some tension on the yarn and the coordination to hold that tension, I suggest having the Littles color their heart shapes before wrapping the yarn. That way if they don’t wrap all of the heart it is ok. They will feel part of it.
This craft uses the paper board or cardboard you have laying around the house. Paperboard is what they make packages of for your cereal, taco shells, mac n cheese boxes. We all know you have cardboard. So many companies provide it to you free when you order from them, If you don’t order, then many stores will give you a small box (or your neighbor)
We will also be using leftover yarn. You might have some leftovers from last month’s Pompom Kitty. I have also found yarn in thrift stores for inexpensive. I personally have tons of yarns that are left from other projects. I will use that.
The last thing you will need is a small amount of tape (to hold yarn to cardboard) and some scissors to cut out the heart shape. OOPs, maybe you need a pencil to create your heart shape.
Since I really dislike those blogs that talk on and on before getting to the thing… let us get to it.
Yarn Hearts
A list of the things you need
1. Cardboard, paperboard stiff enough to hold shape.
2. Yarn
3. Small amount of tape ( masking tape works great)
4. Scissors
5. Pencil
6. Optional: Big Eye Needle
Let’s make it.
A. Draw a heart shape on your cardboard. Don’t make it too skinny or you will lose your heart shape when wrapping the yarn.n
b. Cut out the shape
c. With your yarn place one end in the middle of the heart and secure with tape.
d. Wrap the yarn around the heart shape randomly. Don’t go around in an orderly way as we want it to look a bit rustic
e. When happy with the way your heart looks, push the end of yarn through the yarn on the heart to secure. ( using a big eye needle is helpful here.)
f. All done.

You can make a bunch of them and place them as decor, perhaps in a bowl. Give them to your sweetheart, your mom, your coworkers, or anyone who needs a heart.